Allow me to break away from that for a second and speak for a moment about time management. This is something most college kids does not have or know how to utilize. Most college kids are late more than three times within there first semester of college; I have found this out from experience and observation not solid fact). Thus, college students are always rushing around here at IUPUI trying to find parking (which is a whole other issue) and then get to class only 5 minuets late instead of 8.
With all that said I want to just address something I saw today. I was on my way back to class out here pretty close to the IT building. An ambulance comes screaming down the road not ONLY lights flashing and sirens going but it was honking and making all kinds of noise to try and get through. I just happened to be 40 minuets early to class because I wanted a seat but it doesn't matter. I would have stopped the car and stayed put if I was 40 minuets late. However students, faculty, staff, or just plain stupid people kept whizzing through there green light. they did not care that this ambulance was making all kinds of noise trying to get through with someone who have very possibly been in a critical condition. They had the green light so they kept going. Finally some people had the sense enough to stop but this was not before I was screaming at the steering wheel because people would not stop. I don't know what's wrong with people but we are supposed to stop for emergency vehicles for a reason. Thirty more seconds to wait for this vehicle to go buy is not going to save your ass if your late or almost late. Just leave your place earlier and you won't have to worry about it.
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