Friday, December 4, 2009

"Yoga is Lame"

I have heard this on a number of occasions and there is even a king of the hill episode that makes fun of yoga and the people who do it. I think the problem is that people have stereo-typed yoga so much that people thing it's some freakish exercise that only lunatics do. The fact of the matter is that yoga is great exercise. Not only that, it is great for your health, your bone structure, and your posture. It's been proven that people with various physical problems, such as back problems, will take a yoga course or do some yoga on there own and will feel tremendously better. Granted after one session you will not be superman by any means but you will notice and amazing difference. Just by learning to control your breathing you can gain inner peace and feel so much more relaxed. Yoga is a great way to cope with the stress of school, sports, or even the most hectic of jobs. I'm not trying to throw you a sales pitch here and go spend thousands, hundreds, or even ten dollars on yoga supplies. If you have an internet connection or even a library card you can watch videos or read articles about different yoga poses that you can do in your own time. Simply put on some relaxing, calming music and close your eyes. Focus on your breathing and drift away to another place. I've just given you the key to the walk through the gateway and start living a better, happier, healthier and more energetic lifestyle.

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