Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Poor design means I pay more

Do you personally see anything wrong with this image? Well as a designer yeah, you probably see a lot wrong with it. It's simply a designer perspective. However what you don't notice immediately is that there are no prices anywhere on the entire site. I went throughout the site looking for the prices of the various floor plans and they are simply not there. It's a good sales technique because it makes you come into contact with their leasing office. Flaw by design but of course a great money maker.
However, if you actually live at the marott this design is well beyond flawed.
As a designer it is hard for me to overlook the basic fact that the design of this website is absolutely horrible. I want to focus on a specific aspect of this site. That is the fact that there are absolutely no rent prices anywhere throughout the entire site. As previously stated this is a great sales technique. However, I reside in the appartment complex known as 'The Marott'. I have ONLY resided here for about a month. When we first moved in we had to pay all kinds of fees and rent and the price was just completely different than our actual base rent. Well over the weekend our rent came due. As it were, rent came due on non-other than labor day weekend. My family was in town and I was busy with them. As such, I let the hours of the leasing office get muddy within my thoughts and could not get a hold of them. It's not that I couldn't pay my rent because they have an overnight box and rent is due by the opening of the lease office on their next bussiness day. The problem was that my roommates nor myself knew our base rent. Long story short our rent was late even though I called as soon as the leasing office opened. We ended up owing fees. All of thsi could have been avoided simply by listing the price of the different models of rooms. As a designer that would have been the first thing I made sure was available to the residents of 'The Marott' is that they had everyway to pay and know how much they are paying for rent. It's not a hard concept nor a hard action to execute. Yet, it seems that people are so greedy for money they don't care how backhandedly they have to get it.

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