Friday, November 20, 2009

Farmers Market Vs. Superstore

Most people shop at super stores not only for their convenience but also for there prices. The problem is when you go to a super store you are buying mostly processed foods. Your canned fruits are usually soaking in a sugary syrup and most of your vegetables are canned. Granted some people buy the 'fresh' fruits and vegetables in the produce sections of the stores. However, these fruits and vegetables are probably not near as fresh as one might think. Then you have people who are under the illusion that frozen foods are fresh. they tend to believe that it has been frozen 'at the peak of freshness' and there for is just as good as if you would have picked it off the vine. This, however is not the case. In addition, most people who think they are saving their hard earned money by going to a super store are usually wrong. The fact is that people go to the store and they load their carts up with all the food they think they will need. They are not stopping to decide what they might eat int he week or two weeks to come and they are definitely not stopping to think about whether or not it is healthy for them.

Farmers markets, on the other hand, have produce that is always fresh. During the warmer seasons most farmers markets are held outdoors. That is one of the most beautiful things about farmers markets. When you go to one, you are outdoors breathing in crisp fresh air and all the lighting at the farmers market is natural sun-made light. Farmers markets do, however, go inside during the colder months. Farmers markets don't just offer a variety of fresh produce, they also provide homemade soaps, lotions, baskets, etc. They will all camp out and bring there variety of products or jams and then possibly bring there pets. Some will cook pies and others will grow flowers. The great thing about a farmers market is that it makes you slow down. It makes you take time out of your busy day and notice the beauty in the world. You have to think ahead to the next week and say 'what do I want to eat?' This will help you eat more healthy and not waste money on tons of food that you don't even need. If people would just slow down, they would realize that the farmers market it is truly the way to go.

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