Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The last time I checked parents were supposed to raise there kids. Parents, from the day they become parents, have a gene that kicks in that tells them what to do. Some parents just absolutely quit caring about there kids. They care enough that it isn't abuse or anything but the truth is they aren't really paying attention to what their kids are doing. In the town that I grew up in kids got anything they wanted and were always going out and drinking and carrying on. These kids were well underage but no one seemed to care. Cops never seemed to bust parties and if they did certain kids would get off with out any repercussions. Sometimes cops would just let the kids go, and other times they would just give them a slap on the wrists. Parents all either seem to be blind or just don't care. Well I'll tell you what, kids are dying. Drunk drivers are slaughtering innocent drivers and young children while they walk away with barely a scratch and a DUI.

There was a senior in MY class that was an all around good guy. He would talk to anybody and would be the guy that helped you pick up your stuff if you dropped it in the hall. He had lots of plans with the rest of his life. He was going to go to a local college to get some of his general education credits down before he went to Florida to go to Full Sail to study something he loved. A few days before graduation he went to a party. I'm sure that his parents had no idea or they simply didn't care (which I find hard to believe that his parents didn't care). Well there was drinking at the party and he eventually wondered off. I'm being loose with the details because there are no concrete details. To this day nobody knows what happened. long story short, something happens and he died days before graduation.

Now here is your instance of parents not caring or paying attention. A 16 year old guy from my high school was having a hard time with life. He was arguing with his parents yet that was the extent that his friends new. Suddenly he went missing. None of his friends had any idea that he was depressed or anything because he never talked about it. All they knew is that he was arguing with his parents but who doesn't half the time? Well they found him on November 4; he had hung himself from a tree on his grandparents property with a chain. He's gone. Now his parents have to live with that and I for one feel horrible for them. I miss them both. I just wish that parents would know where there kids are.

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