Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I'm going to just say right now that I think this is a load of smelly crap. Everyone says that the world is going to end in 2012 because the Mayan calender ends. I have actually joined a facebook group that is called 'In 2013 I will watch 2012 and laugh.' I really think it is quite ridiculous that everyone is making such a big deal out of this whole 2012 thing. Honestly? If I had been making a calender for that long I would get pissed off and quit making it too! I mean really people! Besides, I don't ever recall it saying in the Bible that the Mayans dictated when the world would end. People let's face facts. If your Christian then you believe in God and that he created the world and that he is what we live by. NOT THE FREAKING MAYAN CALENDER! If your not Christian...well more power to you to believe the world is ending. I'll see you in 2013

Mommy, where do babies come from?

This is an age old question that has baffled parents for decades. What do you tell your child when they ask this? It is the same switch in parents heads that makes them not want to talk about sex. They assume that the school system will teach there wandering teenagers all they need to know. There is an old saying that goes a little something like this: "When you assume you make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'." And this saying has rang true many times in my life. The fact of the matter is there is no real 'sex ed' in schools anymore. I'm a strong believer in abstinence. It's a personal choice that I believe in. Yes, we should teach abstinence to teenagers because some of them will abstain. But some of them won't! We have to get out there and teach kids about safe sex. My high school nurse always told us, "I'd rather you not have sex at all, but if you are going to use two types of protection: condoms and birth control." It was this simple little sentence that would get my classmates minds rolling. They would practice safe sex and be a lot happier. However, it was a very small percentage of students that were really close to the nurse. Therefore most of the kids in my high school had sex unprotected. We had quite a few pregnancies and I'm sure there were many STDs. Yet, all the blame can not be lied on the schools. Parents have an obligation to talk to there kids. My mom and I have always been close and we have always been able to talk about everything under the sun. My mom has always told me that she would support my decision to have sex if I wanted to have it before I was married (even though I won't). All she asks of me is that I talk to her so that I can go on birth control. Between the parents and the schools we could get a lot done to stop pregnancies at a young age and make for a healthier tomorrow.

May I see your ID please?

So can you count how many times you have been asked for your ID? I can count on both of my hands. It's not just an age issue either. It's an identity issue. First, let's address age. When you go to the movies to see an 'R' rated movie you are supposed to be ID to make sure that you 17 years of age or older. The same principle applies when you buy video games. Mature games are rated mature because they are not intended for people under the age of 17 or 18. I have watched friends of mine walk into video stores and buy mature rated games and the store clerks will not give a second thought to whether or not they are 18. On the other hand, when you buy cigarettes or alcohol you are almost always asked to show an ID. Why is this? Is it because the laws on selling to minors in the substance field are more strict than those in the fields of video games and movies? Now, you may argue that a kid is not going to make a stupid decision because of a video game or movie because it does not influence there health or mind like substance does. This may be the case to some but to to some kids their minds are very impressionable. Fact of the matter is that if they are under 17 parents should be making the decisions on whether or not their child is mature enough to know the difference between what is lawful and acceptable and what is not. Sadly, I have been asked for my school ID to get onto the city buses than i have been asked for my drivers licence on mature purchases.

The other side of the coin is identity problems. When you pay with a credit or debit car at any facility you are supposed to have your card signed. The cashier/clerk is supposed to check the back of your card for the signature. If your card is not signed they are supposed to ask you for your ID plain and simple. It is really not a hard thing to do. I purposefully do NOT sign the back of my card so that the cashier/clerk will ask for identification. This way, if my card is ever stolen, it will not be able to be used. Some people even have 'ask for ID' embedded in there card. They pay extra money so that people will ask for ID. Yet, they still don't. I simply don't understand why it is so hard to say "may I see your ID please?" and check the age.

The Presidential 'oops'

So recently the president went over to Japan. This is not an uncommon task for a president. However, most presidents tend to shake hands with everyone they meet. It is a long standing tradition that shows respect but doesn't make the president look weak or beneath the other leaders. Now, I must say that my opinion is a little different. I'm not disagreeing with a good firm handshake. I think a good firm handshake can say a lot about a person. However, there is nothing wrong with taking other countries traditions into consideration when visiting them. Upon visiting Japan the president engaged in a very deep bow to the emperor.
ObamaEmperorAkihitomichikomandelnganafpgtyMany people scoffed at President Obama for his actions. I may not be his biggest fan but I do respect him for this action. The bow shown in the picture above is honorable especially to elders in Japan. He gained a lot of respect from elders in Japan that day. Instead of laughing at the president I think we should all take a lesson from him.

cat's vs dogs

Since coming to college and living in apartments I've run into the 'no dogs' rule quite often. I'm honestly trying to make heads or tails of it. I can fully understand why apartment owners don't want dogs of big breeds or nasty temperament; it's simply a liability issue. Understandably, apartments also tend to charge pet deposits and monthly fees. Granted cats use liter boxes; ergo they don't mess all over the property. Also most people claim that cats are 'small' and they 'don't make noise'. Well to be completely honest I have seen some cat's that are fatter than a small dog. Then, you have some breed's of dog that are smaller than most 'normal' sized cats. There should be no reason that landlords can't simply put a size limit on pets. If using the bathroom is an issue then they can enforce 'baggy' rules. The apartment that I currently live in has camera's all over the place and I can't imagine that one would be able to get away with letting there animal mess all over the property. On the other hand, with a cat, they use liter boxes. Now that may seem all well and fine until the owner doesn't clean the litter box and the smell of fecal matter leaks into the hallways. As a matter of fact, my apartment complex is currently having problems with tenants throwing there 'nasty cat litter' down the trash chutes. The other issue most people will claim is that dogs bark. Well I am here to tell you what people cats meow. Some times cats meow very loudly and obnoxiously. Whereas some dogs do not bark or can be taught when not to bark. If a dog is brought up in an apartment and learns the sounds it will not bark all that much if at all. Personally, i have nothing against cats and I have considered adopting one. My sole problem is that I LOVE dogs and for no reason I'm not allowed to have them in my apartment.

How can we fix this matter? Simple. As a landlord, sit down and look at the difference between cats and dogs and the problems that come along with both. Develop standards that tenants must abide by when dealing with there animals 'restroom' habits. Also develop different deposits that the tenants must be aware of relating to damages that there specific animal could cause to the room. Set breed limits. It is not a big deal to sit down and come up with a plan. Landlords simply need to take the time to do it.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Music expresses what words can't (part 2)

In November I lost a friend of mine from high school to suicide. I've never really been able to express how I felt about any of it except when I cried. I heard this song by Toby Keith and I started crying. This was exactly how I felt about not only losing Gunnar but another friend named Zack and even a good friend of the family (my piano teacher) Rosemary. It seems to be a reoccurring trend that my music is the sole opportunity I have to express myself. People think it's stupid that I put my Ipod on shuffle just to skip half the songs so that I can find what I'm looking for. What they don't understand is that it's just my way of expression. Music is what I use to express my mood and my feelings. Music is my mood and my life. It's what helps keep my head above water when I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of depression. When there is no one else around music is that shoulder you can cry on. I guess in short, music is my vice.

Music expresses what words can't