Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I'm going to just say right now that I think this is a load of smelly crap. Everyone says that the world is going to end in 2012 because the Mayan calender ends. I have actually joined a facebook group that is called 'In 2013 I will watch 2012 and laugh.' I really think it is quite ridiculous that everyone is making such a big deal out of this whole 2012 thing. Honestly? If I had been making a calender for that long I would get pissed off and quit making it too! I mean really people! Besides, I don't ever recall it saying in the Bible that the Mayans dictated when the world would end. People let's face facts. If your Christian then you believe in God and that he created the world and that he is what we live by. NOT THE FREAKING MAYAN CALENDER! If your not Christian...well more power to you to believe the world is ending. I'll see you in 2013

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