Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mommy, where do babies come from?

This is an age old question that has baffled parents for decades. What do you tell your child when they ask this? It is the same switch in parents heads that makes them not want to talk about sex. They assume that the school system will teach there wandering teenagers all they need to know. There is an old saying that goes a little something like this: "When you assume you make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'." And this saying has rang true many times in my life. The fact of the matter is there is no real 'sex ed' in schools anymore. I'm a strong believer in abstinence. It's a personal choice that I believe in. Yes, we should teach abstinence to teenagers because some of them will abstain. But some of them won't! We have to get out there and teach kids about safe sex. My high school nurse always told us, "I'd rather you not have sex at all, but if you are going to use two types of protection: condoms and birth control." It was this simple little sentence that would get my classmates minds rolling. They would practice safe sex and be a lot happier. However, it was a very small percentage of students that were really close to the nurse. Therefore most of the kids in my high school had sex unprotected. We had quite a few pregnancies and I'm sure there were many STDs. Yet, all the blame can not be lied on the schools. Parents have an obligation to talk to there kids. My mom and I have always been close and we have always been able to talk about everything under the sun. My mom has always told me that she would support my decision to have sex if I wanted to have it before I was married (even though I won't). All she asks of me is that I talk to her so that I can go on birth control. Between the parents and the schools we could get a lot done to stop pregnancies at a young age and make for a healthier tomorrow.

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